Michael Coughlan

Atavistic Impulses b/w Tales of the Unheimlich

October 5th thru November 9th

Michael Coughlan works with wry humor and unexpected logic to upturn familiar horizons and spark fresh connections. His work is slippery by design and sometimes I wonder if that may be its point.

He subverts the sobriety of logic and the sincerity of structure with a hint of farce. His work is concise, disciplined and populated with common objects turned slightly on their head. By combining culturally nondescript things in specific ways he’s able to uncompress and transform the commonplace. 

There’s a credible, stripped-down sure-footedness to his work that feels at home in the thin-aired realm of ideas. It’s from this place that Coughlan lets his conceptual constructions crack or resonate under the weight of their own logic. What gets revealed during this stress and friction is the strange ability to experience novelty among familiar things. 

Moreover, this unique capacity spotlights our interpretive processes as primarily active and creative rather than passive or generic. In this way, Coughlan’s work helps to humanize the narrow bridge that connects art and conceptual shenanigans, making the playful and absurd feel accessible and meaningful.


- Tyler Vlahovich


Michael Coughlan’s solo exhibitions have been seen in Europe, Los Angeles and New York. Recent group exhibitions include shows at Stalke Gallery, Denmark and RDFA Gallery in Los Angeles. 

His work has been featured in reviews in Art Forum, The Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, The L.A weekly and the San Francisco Chronicle among others.

Michael Coughlan